Cally Eve Online

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The background story of Eve Online is one of the richest features of the game. Scandals give players something to talk about, but CCP staff often handled the scandals poorly. Eve Online's staff and game masters need to work on improving relations with its players. 1) Player Cally starts the EVE Investment Bank in early 2006 2) A lot of drama goes on in the mean time with people sticking up for the EIB and others calling it a scam 3) Cally's owner decides it's been long enough and cleans out the bank, netting around 700bil in ISK. To celebrate zKillboard's addition to the Eve Online Partnership Program, we are celebrating by giving out several Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKINs! All you have to do for a chance to win is login! Giveways will happen on Dec. 15, 18, 21, 24, 28. Until I run out of SKINs.

  1. Cally Eve Online Shop
  2. Cally Eve Online Sa Prevodom
The pirate known as Ander is still alive.
Somewhere out in space, on the run from the law and old foes.

A great example of this happening in-game was the bank scandal of EVE Intergalactic Bank, in which a player named Cally owned the massive bank which gave loans to new players. One day, Cally decided to steal all the money from the bank, which was worth $17,000 US dollars and ran away. Cally Callahan: 9 ships destroyed and 4 ships lost. Cally Callahan: 9 ships destroyed and 4 ships lost. Cally Callahan: 9 ships destroyed and 4 ships lost. To celebrate zKillboard's addition to the Eve Online Partnership Program, we are celebrating by giving out several Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKINs! All you have to do for a chance.

IRL: 2012 was the year I took a step back from EVE. I begun working on a game called DayZmod which later spawned the standalone game DayZ.
It was a long wind-down until 2015 when I finally quit EVE entirely.
I still play games (a lot). You might catch me on discord as Ander#3900 . Go ahead, say hi! Don't be shy.
As for
I've finally gone ahead and updated the much outdated blog platform and applied many needed bugfixes. Brought up the compatibility with modern PHP and databases.

Cally Eve Online Shop

The design is still borked, but I'll try to fix it one of these days.
Cally eve online troll video
I still play games (a lot). You might catch me on discord as Ander#3900 . Go ahead, say hi! Don't be shy.
As for
I've finally gone ahead and updated the much outdated blog platform and applied many needed bugfixes. Brought up the compatibility with modern PHP and databases.

Cally Eve Online Shop

The design is still borked, but I'll try to fix it one of these days.

It might have been a scene out of some movie about the Great Depression. Hundreds of frantic people tearing their hair out as they mob the doors to a bank, only to realize that the bank's owners, along with their money, had vanished into thin air. Amazon prime photo storage app.

This scene, however, took place not in some seemingly distant historical period, but much closer to home (for some of us). The location was EVE Online—a science-fiction-based MMORPG, and the bank was the Eve Intergalactic Bank—a privately run in-game institution that for several months convinced EVE Online players to deposit their spare 'money' into accounts with the enticement of accruing several points of interest per month. That seemingly virtuous idea came to a crashing halt when the proprietor of the EIB, known to the game universe as 'Cally,' absconded with around 790 billion simoleons ISK—the currency of the EVE Online world.

EIB was supposed to function much as a real bank would, turning its assets into investment capital, then using the returns to pay interest to bank clients and provide a tidy profit to the bank itself. Instead, it functioned more like a 1980s-era savings and loan, with no FSLIC to protect the clients. In short, Cally got away scot-free, even leaving behind a (rather boring) 10 minute video (download) to taunt those whose 'fortunes' were lost.


The collapse of EIB has spawned a bit of an uproar in the MMORPG community, and there has been some musing on how real-world laws might be applied in the future to bring such 'criminals' to justice (we're talking about the actual human players here, not the in-game avatars).

Justimeet. Nettles task chair replacement. Unfortunately, as spectacularly disappointing Cally's crime may be to some of those living in the EVE Online universe, it is unlikely that the FTC will be signing up and logging in with a team of virtual investigators any time soon. For one thing, and I think this needs to be made absolutely clear so that there is no confusion: NO ACTUAL MONEY WAS STOLEN.

The legitimacy of any activities performed by the avatar known as Cally is determined solely by the operators of EVE Online. It is up to EVE Online to reprimand Cally—if in fact, it is determined that he did something against the rules set forth in the EULA. So far, it appears that may not be the case, and at last report, Cally was roaming free—armed and extremely wealthy.

Yes, it is true that some players—in defiance of EVE-Online's EULA—can be found farming and selling items and ISK through various channels. It has been estimated that the stolen 790 billion ISK could fetch as much as $170,000 in the real-world marketplace, and this type of thinking leads some to believe that the overtaxed real-world legal system may at some point get involved when an in-game economic catastrophe occurs.

Cally Eve Online Sa Prevodom

It won't.

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